Kloster Park began in 1978, with the destruction of the original Clearbrook baseball field, to make way for the Brookfield Apartments. The City agreed to create a new baseball field in the Clearbrook Industrial Park.
Richard Houtkooper Created the original design for the field, and construction began that year. The new baseball field opened in 1979 with American Legion Baseball.
In 1980, the Sports Boosters and the City of Clearbrook added a softball field east of the baseball field. Another Softball Field was added, to the north, 1983. The same year, the Clearbrook Men's Softball League began play.
In 1983 when Morris and Orvis Kloster approached the City of Clearbrook with a proposal to create a park in memory of their deceased brother Tally. They wished to create a place where everyone could enjoy the outdoors. The Kloster's only stipulation was that anyone who wished to use the park would be able to do so free of charge. The City of Clearbrook agreed to this, and the Klosters donated the funds to build a concessions/storage building and add another softball Field at the park. They also donated money to construct a picnic shelter.
In 1985, the City of Clearbrook received a LAWCON grant to put lights on the newest softball field, and chain link fence on the three softball fields. That same year Clearbrook hosted the First Summerfest softball tournament. In 1985, the baseball field was rededicated as "Wes Westrum Field." In the early 1990's , the Kloster Family donated funds to add a 4th softball field , and another picnic shelter. Also, in the late 1990's they donated the money needed to expand the concession/storage building.
Over the years Kloster Park has gained a reputation as an excellent facility for all ages. Between the Summerfest tournament, Softball League, and Summer Recreation events, the park brings several thousand visitors to Clearbrook each summer. In addition to softball and baseball, it has hosted picnics, reunions, the Relay for Life, and several fishing contests. All of these events have contributed many dollars to the local economy. Numerous businesses have benefited from the parks activities. The has also provided summer jobs for many local youths. The Kloster family has donated over $50,000 to the park. Many local people have donated their time to help with the parks projects. Donated time and labor have taken care of installing chain link fence, landscaping, routine maintenance, and the day to day operations of the park.
History provided by an Anonymous Writer