We are very proud of the new Bike & Walking Trail. This trail is only for PEDESTRIAN & BIKE USE ONLY! It is NOT to be drove on by vehicles or ATVs of any sort!! PLEASE do not drive on the Bike & Walking Trail. It is not meant for that type of use and will ruin the brand-new trail. Please be respectful. This is an expensive project that we received grant funding for and do not want to see it ruined. Please take pride in our community.
If you would like an event listed in our newsletter, or on our website please contact us
by phone 776-3213, or email us at
~~ Be sure to scroll through the events.
Some of them have deadlines ~
Kids Fishing Day!
Sponsored by the Gully Sportsman's Club.
February 15th from 9am-2pm on Pine Lake. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. Lunch will be served.
Gonvick Fish Fry: Saturday, February 8th 5:00-7:00pm. Walleye Pike the way you like it. Will deliver to Gonvick City residents. Call 487-5214
Prime Rib Dinner at The Drive In of Clearbrook
Friday, February 7th from 4pm to 7pm.
Prime Rib, Baked Potato, Salad, Breadstick, Dessert and Medium drink for $22.00!
For the kids: 4-piece chicken nuggets or 6-piece mini corn dogs that include small fry, small drink and mini soft serve cone for $7.50.
Purchase tickets at the Drive in.
Clearwater Trail Blazers Snowmobile Club Meeting.
Monday, February 10th at 7pm at the clubhouse in Leonard. Nomination will be taken for officers and voting will take place.
Clearbrook Liquor Store
Sunday, February 9th 3pm - 11pm.
Off-Sale until 6pm.
Come watch Super Bowl LVIII on the big screen. Kick off 5:30pm. Happy Hour Prices All Day!
Super Bowl Potluck: Please feel free to bring a dish to share. Grill and fryer will not be open.
Clear Waters Life Center- March Friday Night Out. Friday, March 7th - Serving 5pm-7pm.
French inspired Meal. Don't forget to go to and register for a cozy and adventurous evening of beautifully prepared French cuisine.
Please remember to remove vehicles from the street for snow removal. Vehicles left in the streets may be towed at owners expense.
Energy Assistance: Inter-County Council (ICCC) in Oklee is the Energy Assistance Program Provider for Clearwater County Residents, For application and Program Information contact: ICCC, PO Box 189 Oklee, MN 56742; 1-888-778-4008 ext. 4
Pickleball at CWLC Gonvick Gym: Mondays 9:30 am-7:30pm, Wednesdays 9am-6pm and Fridays 9am-3pm.
Senior Connection Cooking Classes: Held the 2nd Monday of the month from 11am - 12:30pm at the Clearwater's Life Center in Gonvick. Next classes are October 14th and November 11th. During each class, prep and make a nutritious meal then sample it.
***Minnesota law requires CO detectors in all single-family homes.***
LSS Caregiver Support & Respite services offers PEARLS (Program to Encourage Active Rewarding Lives)
training courses for people, age 60 or older, who are experiencing depression due to the losses they endure as they age. Learn skills to manage unpleasant feelings and improve quality of life.
Call 866-787-9802 to learn more.
Alcoholics Anonymous:
Tuesdays 7pm- At the D&R Cafe-Bagley
Wednesdays 7pm-At the Dome-West of Fireside
Fridays 7pm-Shevlin Fire Hall, Shevlin
Sundays 7pm- At the Dome- West of Fireside
Narcotics Anonymous
Thursday 7pm-At the D&R Cafe-Bagley
We practice social distancing and can virtually meet on your smartphone. Call Jeffrey at 218-255-3829 for more information.
Clearwater County Food Shelf Hours:
Clearwater County Food shelf is open every Wednesday from 10a.m.- 2p.m in the basement of the Bagley American Legion (go to back door)
Monetary contributions can be mailed to Clearwater County Food Shelf, PO Box 678, Bagley MN 56621. Food donations can be dropped off at the Food Shelf on Wednesdays.
City Ordinance #86
All owners of dogs and/or cats are expected to comply with Ordinance #86. Each year a pet owner must obtain a license from the city and show proof of up-to-date vaccinations and whether the animal is spayed or neutered. The license is valid from January 1 to December 31 of each year. Pet owners shall see that the tag be worn by the animal at all times.
Any Animal 6 months old or older is required a license and proof of rabies vaccination.
Fees: Spayed or Neutered animal: $10 for 3 years
Non-Spayed or Neutered Animal: $25.00 for 3 years.
Please stop by the City Office to register your pet(s)
Tri-Valley Heartland Express (T.H.E. Bus)
THE Bus is available to anyone. There is no age or income guidelines - however, children under the age of five MUST be accompanied by an adult. They provide curb-to-curb service. THE Bus goes:
every Monday to Grand Forks
every 2nd Tuesday to Mahnomen
every 4th Tuesday to Thief River Falls
every 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesday to Fargo/Moorhead
every 2nd & 4th Friday to Bemidji
Service in Clearwater County:
Monday, Tuesday and Friday 7:30 am to 5:00 pm
For more information or to set up a ride call toll free 800-201-3432
Recycling Saves you Disposal Fees
If you think that recycling isn't worth the bother, think about what it costs you to throw your recyclables in the trash. Clearwater County pays tipping fees by the ton for trash hauled to the Fosston Incinerator. As the tonnage increases, the costs also increase. A state-of-the-art Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) recovers recyclables from trash, but the MRF operates more efficiently if it's separating mixed recyclables only, rather than recyclables from trash. Some of the recyclables aren't pulled out and end up in the landfill. Not only that, but the tipping fee for mixed recyclables is ZERO, which saves the county money. You can reduce the volume of rubbish by recycling your paper, cardboard, plastic food and beverage containers, steel cans and aluminum and glass containers. Take them to the recycling bins located by the County Highway Department in Bagley. Thank-you
Need pointers? Call 218-694-6183
The City Ordinance #103
Sump pump discharge
All Clearbrook residents must comply with Sump Pump Ordinance #103. This ordinance states all sump pumps must discharge to the outside of the house NOT into the City’s sewer system. Failure to comply with this ordinance may result in fines as much as $100 per month from the date of the last inspection.
The City does not wish to fine anyone so to avoid any fines please contact the City for any assistance at 776-3213.
City Ordinance #105
An ordinance to prevent, reduce, or eliminate blight, blighting factors, or causes of blight within the City of Clearbrook; to regulate the growth of weeds and grasses, and the accumulation of garbage, refuse, and other materials upon the yards in the City of Clearbrook; to provide for the enforcement hereof; and to provide penalties for the violation hereof.